
"The lunatic is in the grass..."

Chubs resting at the res, Fruita res that is (reservoir).

Tres Amigos

Cricket, the chihuahua, looks forward to the premiere of the movie, "Beverly Hills Chihuahua."
Cesar, named after the original dog whisperer, is a pit bull puppy.

Montana, pit bull black lab mix, learning puppy obedience.


A day at the Colorado, formerly known as Grand River

Bear takes a break in the Colorado. Can you see the "bear" through the willows?

The "boys" sit in the river.

Oliver retrieves and then takes a break.

Max and Maggie

Smokie and Maggie get some lovin'.

Max and Maggie snoozing.

Max in "jail" (behind the dog guard in the car).

Chubs and Maggie sleeping chums.

Max and Gary cuddlin'.

We were able to spend some more time with Max and Maggie. They are loads of fun, smart, and sweet!


Addy, a cute little Shi Tzu, licks her lips.

Kita and Kaya

Kita (the all colors of brown) is an Akita/German Sherperd mix and Kaya (the reddish one) is a German Shepherd/Red Heeler mix.