
The Griz Biz

The biz of Griz, such as it tis,
Depends on what your definition of "is" is.  (Thanks Slick Willy for that immortal chortle.)
For he needs a new home he can call his.
He's a canine whiz at playing ball or catching a friz,
And always goes outside to take a pizz.
He's great in a crate and always cleans his plate.
He's full of love, not hate, and will always be your best mate.
Even if all you want to do is hang out all day and cut bait.
So don't wait to help find Fido's fate,
Opt to adopt now before it's too late.

Griz is a 1-year-old male, Lab Rhodesian mix.  Opt to adopt Griz.  Yes, he does have a tail.

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